For information on the 2024 parliamentary candidates by constituency, please visit the constituencies link.

Serala sa Ditlhopho, is a platform dedicated to enhancing civic education and dissemination of electoral information.

The main aim of this platform is to inform the voter about “all things elections”. This website is your gateway to understanding the mechanisms, players, and impact of elections in Botswana.  It is a central repository for all elections related information pre and post elections.

Enhanced Information flow is important as it enhances democratic participation and engagement of voters during elections which are the heartbeat of democracy.  With enhanced election information flow, voters will be able to make informed decisions during voting.

Through Serala Sa Ditlhopho website, voters will have ready access to all political party parliamentary candidates who are contesting elections, their profiles, positions and political information such as political party manifestos.

Yes, Serala Sa Ditlhopho provides real time elections information including political party activities such as rallies and campaigns. The website also has analysis of national documents against party manifestos.

No. Serala sa Ditlhopho primarily has elections information beginning with the 2019 elections and will have elections information for the 2024 period and going forward.

No. Serala sa Ditlhopho only has information about parliamentary candidates of all registered political parties contesting elections.

Serala Sa Ditlhoho is a Botswana Council of Non- Governmental Organisations (BOCONGO) platform. BOCONGO collaborated with the US Embassy in Gaborone, Botswana, in the Serala Sa Ditlhopho Project called “Promoting Accountable, Transparent and Democratic Governance”.